


如果您有加拿大居民和非居民相關稅務問題,您可閱讀精華文章: http://maple-in-canada.blogspot.tw/2013/12/blog-post_18.html


2012年7月9日 星期一

Inland CIC

Dear Daisy,

Get your BLOG from a Google search and have the following question.

CPC-V issued a letter to my wife saying that a decision had been made on her In-Canada spouse / common law PR application and said that the CIC in Vancouver will contact her regarding her PR status.  I believe that an interview will be arranged by CIC-Vancouver but the letter from CPC-V never states the expected time-line to receive a reply for CIC-Vanc.  Do you have any idea?

Have a Nice Day & Vacation!



Hi, Alex:

CPC-V is not going to tell CIC-Vancouver what to do. This practise has followed by all levels of Government in Canada all along . Nobody is going to step into other's territory. Therefore it is not unusual to receive a letter like this. Please just stay tight and wait for the letter from CIC Vancouver.

God Bless!

November 18, 2006


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